Ninja & Parkour Workout

Parkour and ninja aren’t historically related, technically, but it is easy for even the layman to see how one could make the correlation. It also requires very little stretch of the imagination to see secret ninja warriors and assassins having the will and mental fortitude to make the leaps and jumps that are necessary for parkour.

Parkour roots are long and deep since it is hard to pin down the origins of a motion or a jump, especially with something like Parkour. Parkour doesn’t have an official set of moves, or specific physical guidelines, instead often described as intent or a state of mind. That being said, the earliest studies and practices that predate parkour actually go all the way back to WWI, where the French military used their obstacle courses to mimic the rigors of the life of the indigenous tribes of Africa. This continued through multiple branches of the military until it saw mainstream popularity on the streets, and televisions, of France.

But we aren’t surprised if you are here because you are a parkour enthusiast, or if you happen to be a ninja enthusiast who is also a parkour enthusiast and saw that we had a parkour page. The two go hand in hand seamlessly. After all, who could benefit most from training centered around scaling sheer walls, leaping from rooftop to rooftop, and using the best route possible to maximize speed and distance? That’s right, those shadowy assassins that we all know and love.

Parkour workouts for ninja’s and athletes

If you are new to parkour, or maybe even considering it because you are a fan of a ninja, then we want to encourage you. Don’t worry, any good parkour fan will tell you that it’s about your state of mind. You should feel challenged, part of the goal of parkour is to develop an iron will, and a sense of bravery that can overcome your fear. This is so you can access your training when you need it most. These are also essential skills in your development on the path of the ninja. If that is the path you’re on that is. (Don’t worry, we won’t say anything.)

Parkour newbie or veteran, it will be easy to see that Ninja Gear’s selection isn’t all talk. We don’t just have awesome fan merch, we have top quality training gear to help you run faster and get higher than you were ever able to before. Why let yourself be limited by lower quality gear? Why order from web stores that don’t understand your passion or drive. We get you and we want to help you get going.

Feel free to look through our top-notch selection of parkour clothing and training gear, not to mention other awesome ninja-themed merchandise. It is okay to indulge a little too if you want to pick something up while you are shopping. A little bit of a morale boost never hurt, and who better to root you on then your favorite ninja looking up at you from your t-shirt or water bottle.